After the cold wind that drove out the audience for yesterday’s last set, this morning’s calm warmth is welcome. But spring in Australia is as full of shiny promises in the morning that become afternoon disappointments.
It’s not quite 6am. The same sun that is setting for the west coast of South America is now offering itself to the eastern edge of Oz as sunrise. The plaza before the main stage is empty and expectant. The street that parallels the beach is deserted. The guest house I’m now living in it just around the corner in that photo. There’s more text below the photos. Click any to expand.
A ticket booth stands guard over the group of deflated entertainments near the children’s playground.
The brightening sky has caused the last “overnight homesteader” in the gazebo to scuttle off. If you expand the gazebo photo above you can see him framed in one of the panes on the left.
The sand-cleaning machine will arrive soon to restore temporary order. The shell chairs in front of the main stage are crimson in the first direct rays of the rising sun.
Curtain up!
John will not be playing today on an outdoor stage. He, and hos trio, augmented by Australia’s (other) best musicians, will be performing tonight at the closing event, a concert in the lounge at the Pacifica Hotel, facing the beach. I’ll wander around the various venues and see what’s happening.
So far, the quality of performances has been uniformly excellent. It’s interesting how well America’s Classical Music is sustained here. Of course, much of it is homage (imitation being both an inaccurate and unkind word for the genuine love and respect jazz gets here). There’s originality and maturity in much of it. Don’t take that for condescension; just straight talk.